
Anti-Wrinkle Injections

When it comes to injectables, experience matters more than ever. Wrinkle-reduction treatments have revolutionised our approach to facial ageing and although they are now widely available, there is an art to it. drJ’s less-is-more approach requires an artist’s eye to create a relaxed but natural look.


Dermal fillers / Collagen activators

Facial fillers work by creating volume and hydration to the skin and the structures below it that support normal - not exaggerated - facial anatomy.  The end result should be glowing hydrated skin with natural facial contours that enhance facial beauty.

drJ is renowned for using the least amount of fillers and collagen activators in combination with skin hydrating procedures ( Beauty Boost etc) to create a wholly natural look. Many clinics purport to do this but drJ has adopted this practice since commencing cosmetic medicine in 2007. It’s not a trend. It’s his blueprint perfected and honed over 15 years.

Every person is different, everyone loses volume in different areas so there is no one size fits all. Each and every client receives a plan that is affordable  and appropriate for their face. drJ has maintained his client base by being honest which means often by advising against treatment. This is how he has built a loyal following of clients that include many renowned editorial Beauty Directors, personalities and influencers. Clients are offered a range of options that are right for them - there is no upselling to reach company “targets” – and the client’s best interests must always come first.